CWI : Operation Caimiléireacht

Tuesday, 23 January 2024

24-hour parking charges to be introduced at Wexford town churches

Rowe Street Church car park.

Parking charges are set to be implemented on a 24/7 basis at both Rowe Street and Bride Street churches, the Wexford parish has confirmed.

The existing setup has seen the barriers lift at a certain point in the evening, with parking effectively becoming free beyond that point.

However, Fr James Cullen has confirmed that this is set to change as the parish casts an eye over its finances and looks towards its sustainability going forward. 

The decision was taken by the Parish finance committee as they look to balance the books.

"We noticed that Rowe Street car park in particular is full most evenings,” Fr James Cullen said. “Then at evenings and night time over Christmas the car park was full a lot of the time as people parked there to go off shopping or to attend events at the National Opera House.”