CWI : Operation Caimiléireacht

Tuesday, 23 January 2024

Church of Ireland mission evening set to explore faith grounding

SAMS Ireland : Anglican mission in Iberia & South America

SAMS Ireland, the Church of Ireland's mission organisation for South America, will hold its annual public evening conference in Annaghmore parish church (St Francis), Portadown on Friday, February 2, taking the theme 'Rooted, Standing Firm, Spreading Hope'.

​Rooted in the verses of Colossians 2:6-7, the SAMS theme explores the essence of grounding in faith while actively spreading gospel hope to all around.

Key highlights of the evening will be fellowship connect with like-minded individuals and foster a sense of community; Bible teaching - Immerse in enlightening teachings based on Colossians 2:6-7; and insight interviews on the real stories from the Christian church in South America that exemplify the theme ‘Rooted’.