CWI : Operation Caimiléireacht

Thursday, 1 February 2024

CWI : 'Fr' Dennis Ward (1)

It has been brought to my attention that a con-artist by the name of Dennis Ward is operating in not just Ireland but also beyond these shores under the untrue guise of being a priest, and has no right to consider himself either as a priest or indeed as a member of the Benedictine Order.

Mr Ward has been scamming money from those who genuinely believe him to be a priest of the Benedictine Order and thus far, he has conned in many areas of the USA and no doubt has perpetrated same said way here in Ireland.

Mr Ward does not like to have his picture taken and it is understandable why this may be so, but I am asking that if anyone out there who has been conned by this person or indeed may have some helpful information in relation to his whereabouts please do get in touch with me on the basis of it being confidential.

Hereunder is a link to a website that was set up by someone concerned enough to do something:

and even though it has been some time since it has been updated let it be of warning to you and indeed if you also come across this particular site which purports to be Mr Ward's own Order, then do take note of the Post Office Box details underneath and be is not a VALID RELIGIOUS ORDER!!!

Please do be careful of this person and do get in touch with us here and pass on whatever information you may have and we shall take it to the necessary authorities.