CWI : Operation Caimiléireacht

Thursday, 29 February 2024

CWI : Operation Easpag (11)

And so the circus continues with this prelate...

During this past week, the offices of our legal representative received a telephone call from a 3rd party, deputising on behalf of their episcopal master, in an attempt to do God knows what at this stage.

He was politely reminded that 3rd party involvement is not welcome nor indeed wanted.

So, let us be very clear here again....

1. We remain open to direct dialogue;

2. This direct dialogue can, and will, be independently accomodated;

3. All parties are welcome to have their own witnesses to the meeting;

4. The meeting will NOT be pre-determined by ANY party, and most importantly,

5. Only truth and evidence shall be entertained at any such meeting.

If and when this prelate feels that they can not only aspire to, but actually accept all of the above, then get in direct contact with our legal representatives, and it will go from there.

We all look forward to hearing from you.