CWI : Operation Caimiléireacht

Thursday, 29 February 2024

CWI : Operation Easpag (6)

As many of you are only too aware, CW has been investigating many serious allegations that have been made to us about a Northern Ireland based bishop, and we have been very cautious in our dealing with this matter, conscious of the need to have the facts, and verifiable ones at that.

And indeed we do....over 100 pages of such facts...all now verified and which will be soon the subject of release on this site...pending legal clearance of course.

In the interim, we here in CW now again publicly invite this aforementioned Northern Ireland based bishop to engage with us - directly or through our solicitor, whose numbers you have.

The telephone call which you made 3 weeks ago today in the hope of a meeting so as to engage further now seems but a distant memory, and we would sincerely like to engage again...the next call is yours to make and ours to answer.