CWI : Operation Caimiléireacht

Wednesday, 14 February 2024

CWI : Operation Laonia (26)

CWI : Operation Laonia

And as we now enter into the Lenten season, we would like to ask Fintan 'Feár na Brúine' Monahan to reflect on the following questions...

1. Is the St Flannans College website so out of date that the current Board of Management listed on it is either out of date, or is it in actual fact, the current Board?

We ask this on the basis of the following wording (quote) : The period of service of the current Board is October 2017 to October 2020. The membership of the current Board is as follows. (unquote)

2. In a recent press release, via Dunphy Communications, why is the current chair of the board of management, Leonard Cleary not referred to as Lay Deacon Leonard Cleary in any way, shape or form?

3. Is this not the same Leonard Cleary who was made a Permanent Lay Deacon down in Cloyne as there was no stomach for it to happen in the Diocese of Killaloe?

4. Is this Leonard Cleary not also the Director of Services at Clare County Council?

5. Is there not a conflict of interest for Mr Cleary here - hunting with hounds and running with rabbits?

6. How is it that the solicitors for the Diocese of Killaloe and Clare County Council are the one and the same -  Ennis-based Michael Houlihan & Partners (MHP) - and does it not represent something of a conflict of interest - or worse?

7. Why would Norma Foley have to give money to St Flannans College for expansion when Diocese of Killlaloe have illegally sold land for a replacement to St Joseph’s Hospital in Ennis that will only create an additional 29 beds at a cost of millions to the Irish taxpayer?

8. Are we here in CW now going to face another false claim of defamation when in actual fact we have made no such claims - we have only asked very pertinent and serious questions in relation to these very questionable goings-on.....?