CWI : Operation Caimiléireacht

Sunday, 31 March 2024

Easter Message 2024 - Diocese of Cloyne

My friends,

“In the world you will have trouble

but be brave, I have conquered the world.”

These are the words of encouragement Jesus offered to his disciples as he promised the gift of the Holy Spriit on his leaving them. This same message he speaks to us in our day as we confront trouble in the world.

Each of us face personal difficulty of some kind. Some, however, carry heavy burdens by way of sickness, isolation and desolation before which it can be so hard to see any light or hope.

Holy Week, through our prayer and reflection on the way of the cross has opened for us a new way of understanding the darkness and trouble that we and indeed the world is going through at this time. The brutal and senseless killing of so many innocent women and children, so many young men too, urges us to cry out for peace makers.

The relentless change in our climates calls for a deeper commitment to change our expectations. The manipulation of technology leaves us all vulnerable to its dark side.

All these developments call for courage and sacrifice to confront their threat to destroy the God given gifts of truth, beauty and nobility of person. It is for each one to hear Jesus’ words to be brave because, he in his passion and death, confronted darkness in all its forms yet prevailed.

In his sacrificial self-giving is our salvation. In his Resurrection we have life in abundance where hope, courage and enduring love prevail.

“In the world you will have trouble

but be brave, I have conquered the world.”

John 16:33

Wishing you the blessings of Easter

Jesus Christ is Risen Alleluia Alleluia!