CWI : Operation Caimiléireacht

Monday, 15 April 2024

Cleveland diocese among least transparent in addressing abuse, groups charge, which hosts the largest public collection of information on the clergy abuse crisis, and the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests charged that the Diocese of Cleveland, Ohio, is among the least transparent dioceses in the nation in addressing the sexual abuse of minors.

The diocese lists on its website 50 priests credibly accused of sexual aubuse. 

The groups called on the diocese to list an additional 50 priests that have served in Cleveland, but were deemed credibly accused in other dioceses.

The groups also called on the diocese to release the names of 145 accused priests that were named in a sealed 2002 grand jury investigation. 

The investigation yielded 11 indictments; state law, according to the report, forbids prosecution of child sexual abuse after a victim turns 30.

“The Catholic Diocese of Cleveland is steadfastly committed to the protection and safety of children, as demonstrated in its robust policies regarding background checks, its education and training, its commitment to reporting all allegations of child sexual abuse to civil authorities, and by the fact that no cleric in the Diocese of Cleveland against whom a substantiated allegation has been made is permitted to ever again serve in ministry,” the diocese responded.