CWI : Operation Caimiléireacht

Wednesday, 1 May 2024

CW - Update

Dia dhaoibh,

Just to update you all, we are not going to be posting reguarly to this secondary site for the foreseeable, and the primary site will be now the go-to site for regular updates.

But when we do publish to this secondary site, it will be so as to ensure that if one site is shut down by those who do not wish the (factul and evidence-based) truth to be known, then the other site remains active - as has happened before!!

Over the coming weeks, aforementioned verified allegations which have been made to us, with accompanying verified evidence will be published here...

...and no doubt false claims will be made against us again...and again...and yet again...

....and we will continue to stand over any and every single claim we put up here, and we do so in the knowledge of it being the truth, and it being legally permitted for us to so publish.

We will not step back from any claim at any time, but rather we will continuously step up and indeed stand up to those who dare to silence us.

In the interim,

Stay updated, stay informed,


Eagarthóir / Editor