With Christ's loving heart, open arms and with a smile, be shepherds to your people, suggests Pope Francis when addressing seminarians of Seville, Spain, on the eve of Good Shepherd Sunday.
"With your hearts in God, with open hands, and a big smile, share the joy of the Gospel with all those you encounter. "
This was the suggestion Pope Francis gave seminarians of the Metropolitan and "Redemptoris Mater" Seminaries of Seville, Spain, when receiving them Saturday in the Vatican, as he urged them to become shepherds, who care tenderly for their people, with the heart and love of Christ.
The Pope began his remarks by pointing out that their encounter fell on the eve of "a very significant day," Good Shepherd Sunday, which is celebrated tomorrow.
Totally surrender, after being called by the Lord
"You, seminarians, have received a call from the Lord," Pope Francis recognized, as he encouraged them, with their formator's help, to be pastors following the Lord's heartfelt example.
The Holy Father reiterated four areas, in which future priests, must concentrate their energies, namely the spiritual life, study, community life, and apostolic activity.
To truly become a priest, who understands the need to "totally surrender to God and to our brothers," especially to those suffering most, the Pope said, this integration is "necessary" and "urgent."
Holy Pastor
The Holy Father recalled in a special way a 'holy pastor' of Andalusia, Blessed Cardinal Marcelo Spínola y Maestre, a teacher of priests, who used to say that virtue and knowledge are two things that should be taught preferably to those aspiring to the priesthood, adding that, 'knowledge without virtue, puffs up and does not build, and virtue without knowledge, builds, but does not instruct."
The Pope used this observation to illustrate the need for future priests to maintain a certain holy balance, as he called for prayer, study, fraternity, and mission, within the priest, to be united.
Pope Francis concluded by encouraging the seminarians to make the most of their time in seminary to joyfully cultivate and share their faith.