Sunday 3 March 2024

CWI : Operation Laonia (20)

CWI : Operation Laonia

Well Fintan, no doubt you are well rested and full of the joys post-Loughrea retreat etc., but you still haven't managed to get around to sending up the promised reply to the legal correspondence you have received (twice)...why?

Is it not true that you are now somewhat 'bored' with the Diocese of Killaloe and looking for pastures new?

One has to wonder would this have anything to do with the fact that you are not getting it all your own way there Fintan...especially with those objections being lobbed in against the proposed sale and development in Saint Flannans?

Or maybe it's also down to the questionable (and illegal) laicisations you perpetrated against two clergy, with a very strong sulphuric whiff of fraud (aka forged signature) around at least one of them?

Or maybe you are also aware of certain ongoing legal proceedings which now serve to totally undermine and expose the false narrative used by you and your clerical cronies in Westbourne so as to execute a laicisation?

Or maybe you are very aware of the legal and financial ramifications for you and the Diocese once all this becomes public knowledge...and we will play our own part in that...and are now preparing to hitch the cassock and run?

Or is it that yourself and Cleo now no longer feel able to stand over your 'we believe you' empathy and tea session?

Well Fintan, no matter what happens, you will have to account to quite a few people yet for your failures...and that day of reckoning is a lot closer than you think.

Flippant responses from your Communications Officer, Lazarus Quinlivan such as 'there is more to this story' only serve to beg the question - so what is the 'more' side of this story?

And will it be the actual truth - or the Diocesan version of it - so as to avoid potential massive financial payouts?