Saturday, 6 January 2024

CW - Code of Resonsibility

CW - Code Of Responsibility

In recent times, we have been investigating a lot of submissions to us here in CW, and we felt that now was as good a time as any to review our responsibilities to you - our loyal followers.

We have updated the following Code of Reponsibility (first published in April 2010) with the necessary legal advice, and accounting for the introduction and updating of GDPR Regulations in those 13 years, the following is now part of the Code of Responsibility which is relevant to the public who visit this site:

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1. Accuracy

i) Clercical Whispers will take care not to publish inaccurate, misleading or distorted information, including pictures.

ii) A significant inaccuracy, misleading statement or distortion once recognised will be corrected, promptly and with due prominence - on condition that evidence and information to the contrary of that presented is forwarded / notified to Clerical Whispers within a period of 28 days of original posting.

iii) Where determined and deemed as appropriate - an apology will be published for 5 consecutive days and also attached to the original posting.

iv) A posting will, as far as is possible, report fairly and accurately the outcome of an action for defamation to which it has been a party, unless an agreed settlement states otherwise, or an agreed statement is published.

2. Opportunity to reply

Clerical Whispers will ALWAYS offer a right to reply to those who clearly indicate as to why they may feel aggrieved with a posting, comment and/or contribution within 28 days of original being published online.

i) Invitation to reply will always be offered via either a private email which remains confidential or through a formal posting of a reply either in comment form or in actual posting itself.

ii) This invitation will be issued on 3 ocassions only and thereafter correspondence shall no longer be entertained.

iii) If after this the matter remains unresolved, then it will pass to our legal advisors for action if so deemed as necessary and appropriate.

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We are very well aware that what we publish here may not be to everyones liking, and have always taken that on board when considering the publishing of an article.

Information that comes to us from private sources - unless otherwise indicated - remains just that - private.

Accuracy of such information as submitted is always sought, and if there is a contesting to such information and its accuracy, we extend the invitation to the allegedly injured party of right of reply.

In recent times, we are conscious that some may belligerently ignore and rebuff such invitations of right of reply which is also a right on their part(s), but after such rebuffs there is nothing further we can do except pass it on for legal action where necessary.

If YOU wish to comment or contribute to this site, the above points should be kept in mind.

If YOU wish to take issue with ANY posting please note that it should be so done within the 28 days time frame as laid down.

When writing to us in relation to a comment, contribution and / or complaint, please send your email to us: and subject line it Code of Responsibility, making sure to include a link to the offending post.

We will reply as immediately as possible for us.

Any further questions, queries or comments in relation to the above can be notified to us at given email address. 

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The Data Protection Commissioner is contactable here