Wednesday, 21 February 2024

Cardinal criticises funeral of trans activist in cathedral

New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan has criticised the conduct of the funeral service for LGBTQI+ activist Cecilia Gentili in the archdiocese's cathedral.

"When the funeral started, so did the problems because of the disrespectful behaviour of the crowd. That was very sad," Dolan told the "SiriusXM" broadcaster on Tuesday. 

He thanked his priests that no mass had taken place under these circumstances.

The trans activist Gentili died on 6 February at the age of 52. The former sex worker was a drug addict and spent time in prison. She then campaigned for the rights and health of trans people, homosexuals, sex workers and HIV-positive people. 

During the service at St Patrick's Cathedral on New York's 5th Avenue, Gentilii was referred to as "Saint Cecilia, mother of all whores", among other things.

"Scandalous behaviour"

The conservative group "CatholicVote" criticised the service and, among other things, a song that, according to the group, satirised the Lord's Prayer. 

The Archdiocese of New York later commented that they had no idea who they were celebrating a service for. 

The diocese criticised the "scandalous behaviour" of those present. The family of the deceased, on the other hand, called the celebration "a reaffirmation of the love Gentili had for her community". 

An LGBTQI+ group demanded an apology from the diocese.

Dolan reiterated in the interview that the church would continue to refrain from making enquiries about the deceased when requests are made for funerals. 

Every Catholic who wants to celebrate a funeral there is welcome.