Sunday, 4 February 2024

DC archdiocese: Latin Mass in Capital was not authorized

Latin Mass at Capitol was unauthorized, Washington Archdiocese says

The Archdiocese of Washington, DC, has confirmed that no permission was given for the celebration of the traditional Latin Mass in the Capitol building on January 23.

Organized by the Arlington Latin Mass Society, the Mass was attended primarily by young Capitol Hill workers. 

One organizer disclosed that the group did not seek archdiocesan permission because “the concern was that Cardinal Gregory calls the Speaker’s office and cancels the thing for us.” 

The name of the priest who celebrated the Mass has not been disclosed.

Msgr. Charles Pope, who handles requests for the use of the traditional liturgy, said that existing policy would call for permission from the archdiocese to celebrate the traditional liturgy, and as a courtesy a priest would also be expected to notify the pastors of the churches on Capitol Hill before a Mass in the Capitol building.