Sunday 7 January 2024

Opus Dei loses its vote in the next conclave

Juan Luis Cipriani Thorne - Wikipedia

Opus Dei will not have an elector at the conclave that eventually selects Pope Francis' successor after Peruvian Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani, a member of personal prelature, recently turned 80 years of age.  

Cipriani, who hit the mark on December 28, was the last of two Opus Dei cardinals eligible to vote in a papal election. Cardinal Julian Herranz, a longtime Roman Curia official from Spain, turned 80 in 2010. 

Both men were given the red hat by John Paul II. 

They are the only two Opus Dei members to ever be created cardinals.

Cardinal Cipriani served as the archbishop of his native Lima for twenty years -- from 1999 until 2019.