Sunday, 17 March 2024

Improvement and safety works at rural Laois Church to be carried out ‘in the coming weeks’

A rural Laois Church is set for improvement works after a local County Councillor raised the issue at the March meeting of the Borris-in-Ossory-Mountmellick Municipal District.

Fine Gael Cllr Conor Bergin called on Laois County Council to “address the very poor road conditions at the entrance to St Mark’s Church, Church Street, Borris-In-Ossory as a matter of priority.”

Cllr Bergin said the problems at the Church are exasperated during funerals and that the improvement works would be greatly appreciated by parishioners.

Mr James Dowling, Senior Executive Engineer said Council maintenance crews will attend to this road “in the coming weeks.”

Cllr Bergin also called on the County Council to repair the public lights in the Kyle Manor estate in Borris-in-Ossory “as a matter of priority.”

The Fine Gael Cllr said this “a growing problem” and that there are “five or six lights out in the estate.”

Independent Cllr James Kelly supported the motion, saying the new LED lights do not provide sufficient lighting.

The motion was also supported by Cllrs Paddy Bracken, Ollie Clooney and John King, who all noted the problems with lighting in their own areas of Mountmellick, Durrow and Rathdowney.

Mr James Dowling said the Council will arrange for the Public Lighting Maintenance contractor to make the necessary repairs.

Cllr Bergin concluded by calling on the Council to install traffic safety measures “to reduce speeding and provide public lighting on the busy L1036-40 at Tinnakill, Coolrain.”

Cllr Bergin said the area is popular with walkers and suggested increased lighting as well as the installation of a digital road sign.

Mr Dowling said Council staff will “investigate what measures can be implemented.”