Sunday 10 March 2024

Pope at Angelus: God embraces us and frees us from our sins

 Recitation of the Angelus prayer by Pope Francis | 08 August 2021 - YouTube

At the Angelus prayer on Sunday, Pope Francis acknowledges that God loves us so much that He is not interested is putting us on trial to condemn us, but rather to embrace and save us all, as to ensure that none of us is lost.

Even if we feel weighed down by sin or mistakes, Jesus is ready to comfort and save us.

This was the comforting message Pope Francis offered during his Sunday Angelus address at noon to the faithful and pilgrims gathered in St. Peter's Square.

The Holy Father had drawn inspiration from today's Gospel reading according to St. John, which this Fourth Sunday of Lent recounts the figure of Nicodemus.

Jesus came not to condemn, but to save

The pharisee, the Pope recalled, saw the signs Jesus performed, recognizing in Him a teacher sent by God, and therefore he went to meet Him by night, so as not to be seen. The Lord welcomed him, conversed with him and revealed to him that He came not to condemn, but to save the world

"Let us pause to reflect on this," Pope Francis said, "Jesus came not to condemn, but to save. It's beautiful..."

The Holy Father recalled that "no one is perfect," and that "we are all sinners," but that does not interfere with God's incredible love for us.

He embraces us

"There are no secrets before the Lord," the Pope noted, explaining that the Lord does not point the finger at us, but "embraces our life," wishing "to free us from sins and save us."

"Jesus is not interested in putting us on trial and subjecting us to judgment; He wants none of us to be lost," he said.

The Holy Father asked everyone to think of the many times we condemn others or gossip, and encouraged us to ask the Lord going forward to instead look at others mercifully, as Christ does.

Conversion through the Lord's grace

"The Lord's gaze on each one of us," the Holy Father said, "is not a blinding beacon that dazzles and puts us in difficulty, but the gentle glow of a friendly lamp, which helps us to see the good in us and to realise the evil, so that we can convert and be healed with the support of His grace."

Pope Francis concluded by calling on the faithful to imitate God's love for others, and praying to the Blessed Mother that we may desire the good of one another.