Thursday 14 March 2024

Pope fears no church schism over blessing of homosexuals

Pope Francis is not afraid of a schism in the Church after authorising blessings for homosexuals

If bishops do not go down this path, "it does not mean that this is the forecourt of a schism, because the teaching of the Church is not being called into question", says Francis in his autobiography "Life - My Story in History"

The interview book, which Francis wrote together with television journalist Fabio Marchese Ragona, will be published on 19 March.

In December, the Vatican published the declaration "Fiducia supplicans". 

For the first time, it recommends priests to bless unmarried, remarried and homosexual couples. 

However, conditions must be met for this: the blessing must take place spontaneously and outside of a church service; there must be no confusion with a church marriage. 

While bishops in Germany, among others, backed the document, there was fierce criticism in other parts of the world - especially in Africa.

Church "that embraces and welcomes all"

He envisions a church "that embraces and welcomes all, including those who do not feel recognised and have been condemned by us in the past", Francis explains in the autobiography. 

At this point, he explicitly mentions homosexuals and transsexuals. God loves all people, especially sinners.

The Pope emphasises that the Church still rejects same-sex marriage: "Marriage is one of the seven sacraments and only provides for the union of a man and a woman. This must not be touched." 

International organisations should also not make their financial aid dependent on a state introducing marriage for homosexuals into its legislation. 

The situation is different with registered civil partnerships: In the Pope's view, all people who love each other should have legal protection.