Thursday 7 March 2024

Dawn French's former church that banned female vicars gets first woman in role

 Revd Carol Edleston will take over the reins in March as the Priest for Fowey

Dawn French's former church which was branded sexist for passing a resolution not to have female vicar is getting its first woman in the role.

Reverend Carol Edleston is taking up her post on March 11 as priest at St Finbarrus Church in Fowey after the town has gone four years without one. 

Church records which began in 1260 show Ms Edleston is the first female Fowey parish priest.  

French - star of The Vicar Of Dibley - was once one of its flock.

This decision follows the overturning of a church council decision in 2023 to ban women from applying for the role. 

Though Ms Edleston told the BBC: "There's no animosity at all." Fowey Parochial Church Council (PCC) made the initial decision to employ a new priest in March but barred women from taking up the role as they advertised for a male vicar - despite Church of England laws allowing female vicars since 1922.

It divided locals at the time as the decision from Fowey Parochial Church Council (PCC) came after a minority of the congregation were alleged to have said they could not remain within the church on a "theological basis" - unless the priest was a man. 

But many others were angry over the 'sexist' decision - and believed it was ironic given actress and comedian Dawn French, who played a female vicar in one of her most famous roles, is a former resident of Fowey.

The PCC insisted then move was "not sexist", adding there was "debate over the roles women play within a church". 

It said it welcomed women priests to teach the Bible and lead communion, but wanted a male priest. 

But in May 2023, the chairman and two members of the PCC stood down which allowed for a new administration in July which said it wanted the church to be "accessible to all".

It added it was "keen to recruit the best candidate to meet the needs of Fowey parish church, regardless of gender". 

Ms Edleston was chosen by the new PCC after a selection process to fill the vacancy - which has been unfilled for the last four years. Though Ms Edleston said it was "not a surprise at all" when the former PCC said it wanted a male priest.

Merisa MacInnes, the new vice lay chair of the PCC, told the BBC: "A lot of people resigned and new people got elected to the church and these people said we just want the best person, whether it's a male or female, to be the priest in Fowey. So we quickly reversed that resolution, which we did unanimously. All we wanted was the right person for the role."

Archdeacon of Bodmin, the Venerable Kelly Betteridge, said the news marks "a historic moment" and one in which "the whole community is going to have a share and there's already a sense of rejoicing". 

She said the diocese wanted to employ "the best candidate for the role regardless of gender". 

Adding: "People have been very supportive of the appointment. Carol is someone who knows Fowey and is loved by Fowey so she is undoubtedly a good person for this next season."